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 Bakersfield Speedway to host CBS star and son

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Age : 39
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Bakersfield Speedway to host CBS star and son Empty
PostSubject: Bakersfield Speedway to host CBS star and son   Bakersfield Speedway to host CBS star and son EmptyWed Apr 20, 2011 3:21 am

Actor Patrick Warburton, star of the CBS hit comedy series, Rules of Engagement, will be filming a segment for a show concept on Saturday, April 23, at Bakersfield Speedway.

Production company, Digital Ranch, hopes to pitch this segment to major networks in the near future. The show will feature Warburton and his 18-year-old son, Talon, experiencing a number of exciting activities including shark diving, rock climbing and, of course, dirt track racing.

Warburton and son will be learning more than they expected at the Oildale 1/3-mile clay oval. During the evening, Patrick and Talon will be coached by experienced Bakersfield Speedway drivers before taking to the track in a special father-and-son race with Warburton driving Jimmy Irwin's No. 2x Hobby Stock while Talon will be in the No. 3 Hobby Stock, normally piloted by Jarod Schweitzer.
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Bakersfield Speedway to host CBS star and son
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