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 Bakersfield Speedway 5/26 Results

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Age : 39
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Bakersfield Speedway 5/26 Results Empty
PostSubject: Bakersfield Speedway 5/26 Results   Bakersfield Speedway 5/26 Results EmptySun Jun 03, 2012 1:17 pm

Sport Mods (20 Cars)

A Main
1. #7D Loren De Armond
2. #61 Robbie Witwer
3. #2 Darrell Hood
4. #99M Kevin Johnson
5. #30 Geoff Menees
6. #82 Randy Schweitzer
7. #4B Eric Brust
8. #74 Wayne Dotson
9. #7x Taylor Paddock
10. #78 Justin Tuey
11. #06 Chris Dalton
12. #38 Jesse Bowles
13. #29 Joe Baker
14. #23M Marvin Leist
15. #33 Cale Kanke
16. #40 Nick Spainhoward
17. #28P John Piker
18. #21 Ray Crumb
19. #1 Will Simco
20. #99N Patrick Weekley

Trophy Dash
1. #61 Robbie Witwer
2. #28P John Piker
3. #23M Marvin Leist
4. #1 Will Simco
5. #29 Joe Baker

Mini Stocks (18 Cars)

A Main
1. #79 Doug Shepherd
2. #8 Darren Sherman
3. #78 Clay Wattenbarger
4. #22B Brian Daves
5. #74 Ethan Dotson
6. #2x Kyle Hood
7. #49 Jolinda Naucke
8. #22 Stacy Evans
9. #14 Dylan Baker
10. #23P Jacob Hughes
11. #81 Brent Harmon
12. #76 Johnny Wood
13. #96c Matt Crawford
14. #7 Gary Spiller Jr
15. #96 Swan Hanna
16. #24 Billy Lay
17. # 11 Nick Duke
DNS #6 Gary Spiller Sr

Trophy Dash
1. #78 Clay Wattenbarger
2. #8 Darren Sherman
3. #76 Johnny Wood
4. #7 Gary Spiller Jr
5. #49 Jolinda Naucke
6. #22B Brian Daves

Sr Mini Dwarfs (17 Cars)

A Main
1. #17 Anthony Balcazar
2. #23 Cameron McCauley
3. #8 Jeremy Clark
4. #51 Tyler Bannister
5. #30 Tim Holloway
6. #29 Trenton Millard
7. #09 Brylon Holder
8. #38K Karson Sylvester
9. #14 Kaylyn Baker
10. #26 Matthew Schweikart
11. #84 Omar Macias Jr
12. #88 Taylor Bulley
13. #92 Ryley Millard
14. #20x Joseph Snyder
15. #55 Jack Nichols
16. #11 Cody Johnson
17. #10J Nicholas Johnson

Jr Mini Dwarfs (19 Cars)

A Main
1. #05 Kabe McClenny
2. #23K Kaden Cochrun
3. #23 Jake Pike
4. #17 Lela Brogden
5. #68s Sunnie Simkins
6. #3 Carter Enos
7. #76 Chloie Jones
8. #10J Steven Johnson
9. #11 Andrew Orlando
10. #07 Kale McClenny
11. #34P Paige Minor
12. #7B Jaylee Bedingfield
13. #11** Kaily Wilkinson
14. #4 Carson Enos
15. #14G Gavin Manning
16. #1 Kyleigh Forster

B Main
1. #4 Carson Enos
2. #76 Chloie Jones
3. #34P Paige Minor
4. #07 Kale McClenny
5. #27 John Spainhoward
6. #6 Bailey Thompson
7. #29K Kylie Wheeler

OkieBowl HardTops (11 Cars)

A Main
1. #68 Justin Yadon
2. #29 Matt McCaslin
3. #14 Allen Lehtinen
4. #126 Brad Pesheck
5. #100 Josh Yadon
6. #74 Bobby Courtney
7. #47 Justin Gonzalez
8. #3 Steve Soresen
9. #8 Marc McCaslin
10. #18 David Courtney
DNS #36 Nick Spainhoward
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